Noi Pentru Natura Noi pentru Natura s-a nascut din dorinta de a ajuta mediul si a indruma oamenii a privi in jurul lor si a constientiza puterea naturii care razbate chiar si in cele mai exigente conditii. Daca stii cum sa privesti, aceasta iti arata calea si-ti cere ajutorul. Odata cu dezvoltarea tehnologiei si a civilizatiei ne-am indepartat din ce in ce mai mult de pamant, uitand ca prin intermediul lui supravietuim. Avem nevoie mai mult ca niciodata sa deschidem ochii si sa incercam fiecare cat putem sa dam o mana de ajutor planetei care ne tine. Ne putem folosi de tehnologie si informatiile atat de accesibile pentru a ajunge sa producem schimbarea pe care o dorim in jurul nostru si a aduce vindecare si iubire naturii, in loc de distrugere si ignoranta. Prin micile actiunile pe care le facem ne schimbam si noi insine si ajutam la schimbarea intregii lumi. Oferind ajutor si iubire naturii, iti oferi acelasi lucru si tie si celor dragi. / "Us for Nature" was born out of a desire to help the environment and to encourage people to look around them and to become aware of the power of nature that drives even under the most demanding conditions. If you know how to look, it shows you the way and asks for your help. With the development of technology and civilization, we have increasingly moved away from the earth, forgetting that through it, we survive. We need more than ever to open our eyes and try every one of us, to give a helping hand to the planet that holds us. We can use technology and the huge amount of accessible information to provoke the change we want to see around us and bring healing and love to nature instead of destruction and ignorance. Through the small actions that we make, we are also changing ourselves and thus helping change the whole world. By giving nature a helping loving hand, you are giving that to yourself and to your loved ones as well.